Photos by Alex Molina

Rebecca Hinzman-Dye is a visual artist, specializing in portraiture and figural drawings and paintings. She received a BA in Art History from Columbus State University. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Rebecca currently resides and works from her studio in LaGrange, Georgia. She has been commissioned by the National Infantry Association for the National Infantry Museum to draw the official portraits of Medal of Honor recipients of the Army Infantry. Rebecca created the Patriot Portrait Project, which honors our nation's heroes, and partnered with the national military nonprofit, GallantFew.


Selected Media

2022 50: Bunny Hinzman, Visual Artist and Army Child” A More Elite Podcast,
Columbus, GA (watch)

Local Artist Honors Fallen Soldier with Portrait” WTVM News Leader 9. Columbus,
GA (website)

Columbus Artist Honors Fallen Soldier” WTVM News Leader 9. Columbus, GA

“Military Matters: Veteran’s Daughter Does Portrait of Medal of Honor Recipient &
Columbus Colonel”
WTVM News Leader 9. Columbus, GA (website)

“Bunny Hinzman”, The Current. Columbus, GA (website)

“Young Columbus artist, daughter of a soldier, draws official Col. Puckett Medal of
Honor portrait”
WRBL. Columbus, GA (website)

2020 “Exploring Passion, Movement & Art”, The LocaL. Columbus, GA (website)

2019    “PoetsArtists ‘Movie Night Exhibition @ Ille Arts”, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine,
Australia (website)

Go Figure II to Grace Highland Galerie Through December 21”, The Columbusite,
Columbus, GA (website)

Meet Trailblazer Bunny Hinzman” VoyageATL, Atlanta, GA (website)

            “Artist Directory”, The Current. Columbus, GA (website)

            “Artist Spotlight: Bunny Hinzman”, WLTZ First News, Columbus, GA (website)

 2018   Arden 2018. Columbus, GA

            “The Collective: Bunny Hinzman's 'Movement Series' is a Triumph of Delicate
Precision and Passion
” The Columbusite. Columbus, GA (website)

 2016   Arden 2016. Columbus, GA

            “Artist Spotlight" on Hello Columbusland (website)

 2015   "Student Spotlight" The Big to Do (December 2015),Columbus, GA.


Group Shows -

2021 Beyond Go Figure II, Bo Bartlett Center,
Columbus, GA

Funding Future Artists Exhibition, Highland
Galerie, Columbus, GA

Beyond Go Figure, Bo Bartlett Center,
Columbus, GA
Art From Within, The Columbusite (online),
Columbus, GA

2019    Movie Night, Ille Arts, Amagansett, NY

The Art of the Nude, 33 Contemporary (online,
), Chicago, IL.

Go Figure II, Highland Galerie, Columbus, GA

Sketching Under the Skylight, Bo Bartlett Center,
Columbus, GA.

Physique, PopUptown. Columbus, GA.

2018    Go Figure, 100 Seventh Street, Columbus, GA.

2017    Potpourri and CSU Art Student Open Studios,
ArtLab Gallery, Columbus, GA.

2016    23rd Annual College Juried Exhibit, The Art
Place/MVAA, Marietta, GA.

All Women Art Exhibition, Light Space & Time
Online Gallery

            Open Juried Show, Colors of Humanity Art

            Artist's Choice Online Juried Art Exhibition, Fusion
Art Gallery

2015    International Art Expo Roma-Barcelona, Flyer Art
Gallery, Rome, Italy.

            Realism Online Exhibition, Linus Galleries, Long
Beach/Pasedena, CA.

            22nd Annual College Juried Exhibit, The Art
Place/MVAA, Marietta, GA.

            Columbus State University Student Art Juried
, Bay Gallery, Columbus, GA.

            Columbus State University Foundations
, Bay Gallery, Columbus, GA.

2014    Columbus State University Art Club Exhibit, Bay
Gallery, Columbus GA. 


Solo Shows -

2019    Movement, Scarborough Gallery, Bo Bartlett
Center, Columbus, GA.

            Pop-Up Exhibit, PopUptown. Columbus, GA.

            Bunny Hinzman at Three Act Play by Muddy
Water Theatre Project,
PopUptown, Columbus, GA

 2016    Equine Moments:  Exposing a Passion, Bay
Gallery, Columbus, GA. 



2014-2018 BA in Art History Columbus State University